2020 News

Statement of the Metropolis of Boston Regarding the St. Nicholas Parish in Portsmouth NH

Friday, October 02, 2020

The Church, like all members of the community, has been taking special precautions in this era of Covid-19. The health and well-being of our parishioners and of the broader community is of paramount importance. Cont... Continue Reading... »

Father Panagiotis Giannakopoulos to Retire After 29 Years of Service to St. George Greek Orthodox Church of Cape Cod

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

September 21, 2020 (Centerville, MA) – Only the second priest in St. George Greek Orthodox Church of Cape Cod’s history, Reverend Father Panagiotis (Peter) K. Giannakopoulos will step down on September 30 after more than 29 years of service to the parish. He will conduct his final liturgy on Sunday, September 27. Continue Reading... »

Feed the Hungry Initiative -- Sponsored by the Metropolis of Boston Philoptochos

Monday, September 21, 2020

In response to the on-going financial crisis so many families throughout New England are experiencing during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Metropolis of Boston Philoptochos Board has launched a new effort to assist the Metropolis Chapters in need of financial assistance. Many of the Chapters continue to provide support to the food banks and homeless shelters in their local communities. However, without the fundraising projects that the individual Chapters have hosted previously, finances are limited and dwindling. It’s time for the Metropolis of Boston Philoptochos to support our Chapters, as they continue the primary mission of Philoptochos – helping those in need. Continue Reading... »

Installation of Fr. Theodore Toppses in Braintree, MA

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

On Sunday, September 13th, His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the St. Catherine Church in Braintree as he presided over the installation service for Father Ted Toppses as the new Proistamenos of this beautiful community. Continue Reading... »

Fr. Romanos Karanos receives the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians’ St. Romanos Medallion

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Congratulations to Fr. Romanos Karanos, 2020 recipient of the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians’ St. Romanos Medallion for exemplary national contributions to church music in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America! Continue Reading... »

Panos Coufos Appointed Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries and Director of the Metropolis of Boston Camp (MBC)

Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Brookline, MA: His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios announces the appointment of Panagiotis (Panos) Coufos as Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries as well as Director of the Metropolis of Boston Camp (MBC) beginning today, September 1, 2020. Continue Reading... »

His All Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew's Encyclical for the New Ecclesiastical Year

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

It is a shared conviction that, in our time, the natural environment is threatened like never before in the history of humankind. The magnitude of this threat becomes manifest in the fact that what is at stake is not anymore the quality, but the preservation of life on our planet. For the first time in history, man is capable of destroying the conditions of life on earth. Nuclear weapons are the symbol of man’s Promethean titanism, the tangible expression of the “complex of omnipotence” of the contemporary “man-god.” Continue Reading... »

The Boston Pilot: BOSTON -- Cardinal, Metropolitan speak out on Hagia Sophia

Saturday, July 25, 2020

BOSTON -- Cardinal Seán P. O'Malley and Greek Orthodox Metropolitan Methodios of Boston are joining their voices to those expressing opposition to use of the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey, as a mosque. Continue Reading... »

Ο Βοστώνης Μεθόδιος και ο Καρδινάλιος Sean O’Malley - ΚΟΙΝΗ ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΗ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΑΓΙΑ ΣΟΦΙΑ

Friday, July 24, 2020

Ὡς ἡγέτες τῆς Ρωμαιοκαθολικῆς Ἀρχιεπισκοπῆς Βοστώνης καὶ τῆςἙλληνικῆς Ὀρθοδόξου Μητροπόλεως Βοστώνης θέλουμε νὰ ἐκφράσουμε ἐπὶ κοινοῦ τὴν ἰσχυροτάτην ἀντίδρασή μας πρὸς τὴν ἀπόφαση τοῦ Τουρκικοῦ Προέδρου Recep Tayyip Erdogan νὰ ἀναμετατρέψει τὴν Ἁγία Σοφία σὲ τζαμί. Continue Reading... »

This Truly Was A #SummerToRemember!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Metropolis of Boston Camp concludes its Separate...But United! Virtual Camp experience. Thanks to the amazing creativity and energy of the Staff Team Virtual Camp was a great success - they both engaged and entertained all of the participants. Over the two one-week long sessions MBC was able to welcome over 175 youth and young adults from throughout New England, New Jersey, Chicago, Maryland, New York and even from as far as Russia! The Virtual Camp program closely modeled a normal day at camp...bringing a sense of normalcy and familiarity to our campers. Continue Reading... »

Joint Statement of Metropolitan Methodios and Cardinal Sean O'Malley Concerning Hagia Sophia

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

As leaders of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston and the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Boston, we wish to voice our strong opposition to the decision of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to re-convert Hagia Sophia into a mosque. President Erdoğan’s decree undoes that of his predecessor, President Kemal Atatürk, who converted Hagia Sophia into a secular museum in 1935. This action alters the status quo that has existed for the last 85 years and causes great pain to many throughout the world. Continue Reading... »

Announcement of Metropolitan Methodios

Thursday, July 16, 2020

His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios announced that Fr. Dionysios Papiris has requested to be released to the Archdiocesan District of New York for personal family reasons. The Metropolitan has granted his release effective immediately. We pray that the Lord guide his future service to our Church in America. Continue Reading... »

Join us for a #SummerToRemember! - Session Two

Friday, July 10, 2020

Session One of the Metropolis of Boston Camp’s - Separate...But United! Virtual Camp experience is coming to a close. The dedicated Staff Team has been working tirelessly to make Virtual Camp 2020 engaging and entertaining for all the campers. Every morning and evening, the Camp comes together to offer prayers and hymns that are familiar to the campers. The campers of our Metropolis have been participating in Orthodox Life Sessions, led by our wonderful Metropolis clergy, on topics that pertain to love, self control, prayer and joy - basic Christian themes that ignite thoughtful discussions and engaging questions. Continue Reading... »

Cardinal Seán Expresses His Gratitude to Metropolitan Methodios and the Faithful of the Metropolis of Boston

Saturday, July 04, 2020

His Eminence Cardinal Seán of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston expressed his thanks to His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios and all the faithful of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Boston for their generosity in providing over 5,800 meals to brethren in need in the Greater Boston area.  Continue Reading... »

Join us for a #SummerToRemember!

Thursday, July 02, 2020

We certainly wish we could have our traditional camp experience this summer! Unfortunately, our reality is that the Covid-19 pandemic has prohibited us from having camp as we know it. During these uncertain times, it is important for our youth to find a grounding and experience a sense of normalcy with things and individuals that are familiar to them. Continue Reading... »

Metropolitan Methodios Distributes Meals to Those in Need

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

On Tuesday, June 30, 2020 His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios delivered some of the over 5,800 meals which have been provided by the generous contributions of the faithful of the Metropolis of Boston to people in need.  Continue Reading... »

Official Announcements From The Ecumenical Patriarchate Regarding the Mode of Distribution of Holy Communion

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Between​​ June 23 - 25 2020, the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate was convened for its regular meeting of the current month at the Orthodox Center of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Chambésy, Geneva. On the first day, the chairmen of the synodal committees were engaged in their cooperative work. Many of the Hierarchs of the Throne in Europe were present as well. Continue Reading... »

IT WORKED!! 2020 Metropolis Virtual Ministry Awards Recognition By Stamatis Astra, of the Astra Report

Friday, June 19, 2020

It will not work!  We are in the middle of a health crisis, that has become an economic crisis, and to top it all we are witnessing a social crisis.  Families are worried, the economic future is unstable, people have to literally choose between their life and health and their livelihood.  How can we have a first time ever “virtual awards dinner”?  Continue Reading... »

Remarks of Metropolitan Methodios for the 2020 Virtual Ministry Awards Recognition

Monday, June 15, 2020

This is the 34th year that we gather at a Metropolis Awards Dinner to take pride in our Parishes and to express our gratitude to all those brethren - priests and laymen who (as we pray during the Divine Liturgy) "with one voice and one heart glorify and praise the most honorable and majestic name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit." We come to thank those who labor harmoniously to manifest God's name - to witness our faith in our communities and in the world in which we live. Continue Reading... »


Friday, June 12, 2020

This year, due to COVID-19, the Metropolis Ministry Awards Dinner will be happening virtually. While we will not be able to share in a meal in-person, by purchasing one $75 ticket, you can provide seven meals for a frontline health care workers or those most in need! Continue Reading... »

Announcement Regarding the Feast of Saint Methodios

Tuesday, June 09, 2020

As we approach the Feast of St. Methodios, patron saint of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios, we ask for your prayers that the Lord will grant our Metropolitan many years of good health to continue to lead our beloved Metropolis and it's 62 Parishes throughout New England. Continue Reading... »

Homily of Metropolitan Methodios on the Great Feast of Pentecost

Monday, June 08, 2020

“As Americans of Greek Orthodox Faith we must be instruments of love during these challenging times. We must work harmoniously with our fellow citizens to bring about justice in the face of inequality and discrimination.” Continue Reading... »

Philoptochos Chapter Highlights: A Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Friday, June 05, 2020

There have been many moments of crisis in history since the establishment of Philoptochos in 1931. Throughout almost 90 years, our Members have stayed true to the mission of Philoptochos - being a “friend of the poor.” The Metropolis of Boston is comprised of 42 active Chapters who continue to outreach and support their communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic and stay engaged on the Metropolis and National Levels. Continue Reading... »

Statement of Metropolitan Methodios of Boston on the Death of George Floyd

Monday, June 01, 2020

It is indeed tragic to witness in Boston and in cities throughout America the consequences of injustice, inequality, and hopelessness which have been exacerbated by the horrific killing of George Floyd. Continue Reading... »

Message From Philoptochos Board President Athena Kalyvas

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The sun is out and hopefully, you are enjoying this beautiful day! I would like to follow-up with the invitation below regarding the Virtual Metropolis Ministry Awards Recognition on Sunday, June 14 at 7 p.m. We all know that the mission of the Philoptochos is to help the needy. In these unprecedented times, let us partner with our Metropolis by donating $75 for a virtual ticket which in turn will feed 7 people. Continue Reading... »

An Update Regarding the Reopening of Our Churches

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

As we have reached Mid-Pentecost and continue in the Paschal celebration, I pray that you and your families are well and healthy! As you know, Massachusetts Governor Baker announced this morning that Churches are permitted to reopen in the Commonwealth at a 40% capacity rate, as part of the Phase-One Reopening plan. Continue Reading... »

Metropolis of Boston Camp - Summer 2020

Monday, May 18, 2020

For the past 30 years the Metropolis of Boston Camp has been a home away from home for the youth and young adults of our Metropolis. It is a place where they go to retreat from the noise of the world, to find themselves, and to grow closer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is a place where wonderful lifelong friendships are formed. Continue Reading... »

2020 VIRTUAL Ministry Awards Recognition

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Metropolitan Methodios announces that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Metropolis will host its first-ever Virtual Ministry Awards Recognition, honoring Clergy and Laity of our Communities, during which we recognize, celebrate and thank the faithful stewards of our local parishes for their dedicated service. Continue Reading... »

Metropolitan Methodios Offers Prayer Service For Health and Well-Being During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Wednesday, May 06, 2020

On Tuesday, May 5, 2020, His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios offered a prayer service at the St. Demetrios Church in Weston, MA for health and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. Continue Reading... »

Join Us Online Tomorrow for a Prayer Service for Heath and Well-Being

Monday, May 04, 2020

Please join us online tomorrow, Tuesday, May 5th at 12:30 p.m. from the St. Demetrios Church in Weston, MA, as His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios leads us in prayer for the health and healing of those suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic.   Continue Reading... »

Metropolis of Boston Announces "Virtual Metropolis Awards Recognition"

Saturday, April 25, 2020

The world is experiencing unprecedented difficulties during the current COVID19 pandemic. For the first time ever, the doors of every Orthodox Church world-wide were closed during Holy Week and Pascha. We are in a new reality that is requiring us to adjust how we normally live our daily lives and conduct our business. The same holds true for our Metropolis and Parish Ministries. Continue Reading... »

Message of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on Earth Day 2020

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, whose mission is to work with civil and faith communities for developing local solutions to global problems, including climate change, plastic pollution, and threats to biodiversity. Earth Day promotes programs ranging from low-impact actions to “a billion acts of green” to address the paramount challenge of our time. Continue Reading... »

A Message of Christian Solidarity from Cardinal Seán O'Malley

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Our hearts and prayers are united with our Orthodox brothers and sisters celebrating Easter now. I stand with you joyfully proclaiming the Resurrection together and join with my brother Metropolitan Methodios in saying, “Christos Anesthi!"Christ is Risen! Continue Reading... »

Paschal Message of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios - Pascha 2020

Sunday, April 19, 2020

As we celebrate Easter during this year’s unprecedented pandemic, we find ourselves in a position very similar to that experienced by Christ’s disciples during that first Easter. They were, like all of us today, gathered together inside a house with the doors shut.  They were, as are we today, “afraid” (John 20:19, 26). But they were not alone. Neither are we.  Continue Reading... »


Sunday, April 19, 2020

Having arrived at Holy Pascha and becoming partakers of the joy of the Resurrection, we praise the Lord of glory, who trampled down death by death and resurrected with Him the entire race of Adam, opening for us all the gates of paradise. Continue Reading... »

His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios to Celebrate the Divine Services of Pascha at the Annuciation Cathedral

Saturday, April 18, 2020

His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios will proclaim the Resurrection at the Annunciation Cathedral of New England with the service beginning at 11 pm and the Anastasis Service at midnight followed by the Orthros and Divine Liturgy of Pascha. Continue Reading... »

Metropolitan Methodios will celebrate the Divine Services of Holy Thursday and Holy Friday at St. John the Baptist Church of Boston

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Join us online Thursday, April 16th and  Friday, April 17th as we live stream the Holy Week services with His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios celebrating. Continue Reading... »

Message By His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew at the Beginning of Holy and Great Week 2020

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Once again, Holy and Great Lent has come to a conclusion. Today, we joyfully celebrated the resurrection of Christ’s intimate friend, Lazarus, which serves as a prefigurement of the “common resurrection.” Tomorrow, we shall enjoy the feast of Palm Sunday, when we shall chant: “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest!” Continue Reading... »

A Sign of Christian Unity Offered as a Prayer to Almighty God During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Saturday, April 11, 2020

His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios calls on all of the parishes throughout the Metropolis of Boston to joyously sound the bells of their churches at 12 noon tomorrow, April 12. Continue Reading... »

“Behold, I stand at the door …” By Metropolitan of Phanariou Agathanghelos 

Thursday, April 09, 2020

By the Grace of God, we have entered the Holy and Great Week, the Week of the Passion, in the midst of temptations, distress and affliction, bearing the Cross of the present time. We are again called upon to experience the mystery of the Cross and the hope of the Resurrection away from the liturgical life of the Church... Continue Reading... »

Ιδού, έστηκα επί την θύραν… Μητροπολίτου Φαναρίου Αγαθαγγέλου

Thursday, April 09, 2020

Εισερχόμαστε, πατέρες και αδελφοί, με τη χάρη του Θεού, στην Αγία και Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα, την Εβδομάδα των Παθών, εν μέσω πειρασμών, θλίψεως και δοκιμασίας αίροντες τον σταυρό του παρόντος και διαλεγόμενοι με το όντως φοβερώτατο μυστήριο του θανάτου. Καλούμεθα και πάλι να ζήσουμε με χαρμολύπη... Continue Reading... »

Metropolis of Boston - Divine Services Live Stream

Thursday, April 09, 2020

With the recent pandemic that has plagued our world the need for parishes to broadcast services has become a very important means of participation for all the faithful. Many parishes are broadcasting their services with Facebook Live, YouTube Live, and other services. Continue Reading... »

Metropolis of Boston Camp - Paraklesis Service

Thursday, April 02, 2020

On the evening of Wednesday, April 1, 2020 the St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church offered the Small Paraklesis service to the Most Holy Theotokos. The service was celebrated by Fr. Vincent Minucci, Associate Pastor of the Parish, and Fr. Dionysios Papiris, Director of the Metropolis of Boston Camp. All staff, campers, and their families of the Metropolis of Boston Camp were invited to join via the live stream and pray the service from the safety of their home. Continue Reading... »

Metropolis of Boston Announces Major Donation to Many Parishes to Assist During The COVID-19 Crisis

Thursday, April 02, 2020

Metropolitan Methodios informed many small and mid-sized communities throughout the Metropolis that they will be the recipients of a gift of love in the form of a financial donation by the well-known philanthropists and dedicated lay leaders, John and Effie Lagadinos and their family. Mr. Lagadinos contacted Metropolitan Methodios and offered this extraordinarily generous manifestation of true Christian stewardship.  Continue Reading... »

MBC Paraklesis Live Stream This Wednesday at 6 PM!

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

We as a Camp end our nights by singing "Lord of the powers be with us; for in times of distress, we have no other help but You! Lord of the powers be with us!" Therefore, in this time of distress we MUST turn to the Lord of the Powers and ground our hope in Him! Let us join together in prayer this Wednesday evening...with one voice...with one heart...as one Camp Family. Continue Reading... »

A Letter to Metropolis of Boston Philoptochos Chapter Presidents

Monday, March 30, 2020

Chapters throughout the Metropolis of Boston are reaching out to their Parishes, contacting the elderly and homebound, and trying to provide assistance to those in immediate need.  Please continue checking in on your neighbors and church community in any way that you can, as social distancing may increase feelings of loneliness. Continue Reading... »

Summary of Important Information regarding the Recently Passed Government CARES Act and Its Potential Significant Impact to our Parishes

Monday, March 30, 2020

His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios together with the Metropolis Finance Team presented to the Clergy and Parish Council leaders the results of an Archdiocesan comprehensive study of the CARES Act, which the Federal Government recently passed. Continue Reading... »

Edifying Articles In Light of the Pandemic of COVID-19

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Edifying Articles In Light of the Pandemic of COVID-19 Continue Reading... »

Assembly of Bishops USA Announces COVID-19 Resource Center for Orthodox Christians

Saturday, March 28, 2020

NEW YORK – The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA announces a resource center for clergy and faithful during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The Resource Center includes updated news from the various jurisdictions as well as practical guidelines and resources for families, ministry leaders, parish leadership, and everyone. Continue Reading... »

Ministry Resources and Initiatives During the Pandemic of COVID-19

Friday, March 27, 2020

His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios in reviewing the many creative initiatives that have been launched by parishes throughout New England has requested our Clergy to share their new ministry initiatives with all their brother Clergy for the benefit and edification of the faithful. The Metropolis of Boston has created an online platform for the Clergy and Lay Leaders of our parishes to share their best practices and outreach ministries.  Continue Reading... »

Do the Sacraments Prevent Illness? A Survey of Liturgical Sources by Rev. Dr. Nicholas Denysenko

Monday, March 23, 2020

The global COVID-19 crisis has ignited a number of difficult discussions among Christians. The method used to distribute Holy Communion is fiercely debated. In the Churches that remain open, many Protestants and Catholics are withholding the cup, so faithful are receiving in one kind only, the body of Christ. In Orthodox communities, clergy and laity are discussing the possibility of trying new methods for distributing Holy Communion that prevents the spread of disease through a common spoon. Continue Reading... »

Μήνυμα του Παναγιωτάτου Οικουμενικού Πατριάρχου Βαρθολομαίου προς το πλήρωμα της Εκκλησίας για την πανδημία από τον Κορονοϊό.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Αδελφοί και τέκνα εν Κυρίω, Από το Φανάρι, από την καρδιά της Βασιλεύουσας Πόλης, από την πόλη της Αγιά Σοφιάς, της Μεγάλης Εκκλησίας, επικοινωνώ με τα προσφιλή προσωπά σας, με την κάθε μια και τον κάθε ένα, με αφορμή τις πρωτοφανείς συνθήκες, τη δοκιμασία, που διερχόμαστε ως ανθρώπινο γένος, εξαιτίας της παγκόσμιας απειλής που προκαλεί η πανδημία του νέου κορωνοϊου, γνωστού ως Covid-19. Continue Reading... »

Communiqué from the Ecumenical Patriarchate

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

As this Coronavirus crisis continues to spread and intensify on a global scale, the Ecumenical Patriarchate is monitoring the situation with an urgent sense of responsibility towards its faithful and all people without exception, and, following the Communiqué of 11 March 2020, upon deliberation of its Hierarchs in the City, announces the following: Continue Reading... »

Letter of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios to the Clergy and Laity of the Metropolis of Boston concerning COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The last few weeks have been particularly stressful to all Americans as well as citizens throughout the world as we face together the deadly pandemic known as the Coronavirus. Based on stringent restrictions on gatherings of more than 250 individuals placed in Massachusetts by Governor Baker and his fellow New England governors, Continue Reading... »

Statement concerning COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Friday, March 13, 2020

The COVID-19 (Corona) virus has taken the lives of brethren throughout American and the entire world. Boston is one of the major coronavirus clusters because of a meeting of Biogen Inc. which took place at Boston Marriott Long Wharf Hotel... Continue Reading... »

Human Trafficking Event Postponed

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Please be advised that the Human Trafficking Event sponsored by the St. Gregory Philoptochos that was supposed to be held on March 14, 2020 is postponed in compliance with the State of Emergency declaration issued by Governor Charlie Baker regarding the coronavirus. Continue Reading... »

Communique from the Ecumenical Patriarchate regarding COVID-19  Ανακοίνωση από το Οικουμενικό Πατριαρχείο για τον Covid-19

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Holy and Great Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, convened under the presidency of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, and among other issues, thoroughly deliberated upon the events of the COVID-19 (Corona) virus and with a feeling of pastoral responsibility, points out the following: Continue Reading... »

MYBL Awards Banquet - Canceled

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The directives, while suitable for Divine Services, would be difficult to follow during an event such as the MYBL Awards Banquet.  Therefore, out of an abundance of caution to keep everyone safe and healthy, the Awards Banquet scheduled for this Sunday afternoon in Peabody is canceled. Continue Reading... »

Encyclical and Directives Concerning the Covid-19 Pandemic (Coronavirus) Issued by Archbishop Elpidophoros and The Holy Eparchial Synod

Friday, March 06, 2020

The appearance of the Covid-19 Pandemic (Coronavirus) throughout the world and in the United States has created fear, anxiety, and genuine concern. All of these need to be taken seriously and no one’s fears should be dismissed out of hand. Already, religious bodies are responding in similar ways, but ways that are not necessarily consistent. In order to assist the Faithful in their own response, this statement is meant to guide and inform us all. Continue Reading... »

2020 Triodion and Lenten Resource Guides

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Triodion marks the beginning of a time of preparation for the spiritual journey of Great and Holy Lent, a time for Orthodox Christians to draw closer to God through worship, prayer, fasting, and acts of charity. The Triodion is the liturgical book that contains the services from this Sunday, the tenth before Pascha (Easter), to Great and Holy Saturday. Continue Reading... »

Catechetical Homily at the opening of Holy and Great Lent 2020 ✠ His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

We offer hymns of thanks to the God of love as once again we enter Holy and Great Lent, the arena of ascetic struggle, fasting and abstinence, of vigilance and spiritual awareness, of guarding our senses and prayer, of humility and self-knowledge. We are commencing a new and blessed pilgrimage toward Holy Pascha, which has “opened for us the gates of paradise.” In Church and as Church, as we behold the Risen Lord of glory, we all journey together along the way of deification by grace that leads to the heavenly goods “prepared by God for those who love Him” (1 Cor. 2:9). Continue Reading... »

Metropolis of Boston Camp GOYA Winter Camp 2020 - A Great Success!

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

From Friday, February 14 – Monday, February 17, 2020 the Metropolis of Boston Camp held its annual GOYA Winter Camp. The over 200 campers and staff were able to have a weekend retreat surrounded by the picturesque winter landscape on New Hampshire. Continue Reading... »

Εορτή των Ελληνικών Γραμμάτων 2020 - Ιερά Μητρόπολις Βοστώνης

Monday, January 27, 2020

Την Κυριακή, 26η Ιανουαρίου 2020 επ’ ευκαιρία της εορτής των Τριών Ιεραρχών ο Σύνδεσμος Ελλήνων Εκπαιδευτικών της Ιεράς Μητροπόλεως Βοστώνης, παρουσίασε την ετήσια εορτή των Γραμμάτων. Continue Reading... »

Archpastoral Visit to St. Gregory the Theologian in Mansfield, MA

Monday, January 27, 2020

On Sunday January 26, 2020 His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios visited the St. Gregory Parish in Mansfield, MA on the occasion of their feast day. Continue Reading... »

Sermon for the Feast of Saint Athansios the Great - The Rev. Demetrios Mott

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

This evening we gather to celebrate the memory of a saint and hierarch of our church who was and remains a blazing lamp of Orthodoxy- Saint Athanasios the Great. From a young age, he had a remarkable theological understanding and an exceptional knowledge of sacred Scriptures. He attended the First Ecumenical Council of Nicea in 325 as a deacon, accompanying the Patriarch of Alexandria, Alexander. The following year, before his death, Patriarch Alexander appointed Athanasios His successor. Continue Reading... »

Let Us Be Attentive: Reflections on the Sunday and Feastday Scripture Readings of the Orthodox Church

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

In the book of 162 reflections on the Scripture passages of each Sunday, Feastday and Holy Week, Rev. Fr. Stavros N. Akrotirianakis, writes in "common language" that the regular church-goer will understand. Continue Reading... »

His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios Visits the St. John Parish in Boston, MA

Sunday, January 12, 2020

On Sunday, January 12, 2020, His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Saint John Parish in the South End of Boston together with the Chancellor of the Metropolis and pastor of the community Fr. Ted Barbas and Archdeacon Dionysios Papiris. At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy His Eminence offered the affirmation of office for the members of the parish council.  Continue Reading... »

New Publication of The Rev. Fr. George C. Papadimitriou

Tuesday, January 07, 2020

On Tuesday, January 7, 2020 His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios welcomed Fr. George Papadimitriou to the Metropolis headquarters. Fr. George presented His Eminence with his latest publication "Orthodox Christian Views of Other Religions." Continue Reading... »

Archpastoral Visit to St. Vasilios the Great Parish in Peabody, MA

Tuesday, January 07, 2020

On Wednesday, January 1st, 2020 His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios celebrated the Divine Liturgy for the feasts of the Circumcision of the Lord and St. Basil the Great at the St. Vasilios Paris in Peabody, MA. Continue Reading... »

Archpastoral Visit to Saint Vasilios the Great Parish in Newport, NH

Sunday, December 29, 2019

On Sunday, December 29 th , 2019 His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios, accompanied by seminarian Jesse Kroger, made an Archpastoral visit to Saint Vasilios Parish in Newport, New Hampshire. Continue Reading... »

On the Reception of Holy Communion

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

With the many media stories and subsequent discussions that have been amplified this week due to the issue emanating from the Portsmouth, NH Parish, we offer the attached brief theological reflection, "On the Reception of Holy Communion" “For the bread of God is that which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.” (John 6:33), by The Rev. Demetrios E. Tonias, Ph.D. Continue Reading... »

Youth and Sunday School Directors Meeting

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

Between September 23 and October 7, all parishes will be invited to participate in a meeting for Youth and Sunday School Directors by district. Continue Reading... »

Thank You To All Who Helped Make the Metropolis 2020 Virtual Awards Ceremony A Huge Success!

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

This year we did not gather all together, we did not hug and share stories and pictures in person.  But we did do the wonderful job of collectively offering over 5,000 meals to those in need.  Sometimes it takes very little, to make a huge impact. Thank you to all who worked so hard for making a lonely Sunday evening become a memorable event that we will remember for years to come. Continue Reading... »

Over 450 Thanksgiving Meals Donated and Assembled

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

On Tuesday, November 24th, the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Boston and the St. Athanasius Church of Arlington partnered to make over 450 Thanksgiving Dinner kits! Continue Reading... »

Metropolis Youth Basketball League Toy Drive Was a Huge Success

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

The annual toy drive held by the Metropolis of Boston Youth Basketball Leagues gathers dozens of toys for the New England Community Services, Inc. organization. Continue Reading... »

The 20th Annual Metropolis of Boston Camp Golf Classic

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

For the 20th consecutive year, faithful from across the Metropolis came together to support the youth of New England at the Annual Metropolis of Boston Camp Golf Classic which took place virtually. Continue Reading... »

MBC Fall Camp Great Success

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

Over the weekend of October 31st and November 1st, the Metropolis of Boston hosted its 3rd and 4th Fall Camp offering. Continue Reading... »

Metropolis of Boston Fall Camp

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

On behalf of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios, it brings the camp ministry team great joy to invite you to MBC's brand new, re-imagined Fall Camp! Continue Reading... »

Installation of Fr. Alexander Chetsas

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

On September 20th, 2020, His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios visited the St. Gregory the Theologian parish of Mansfield, MA and installed Fr. Alexander Chetsas as presiding priest. Continue Reading... »

Installation of Fr. Timothy Curren

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

Installation of Fr. Timothy Curren at St. George in Centerville, MA Continue Reading... »

Fall Camp - Sessions 1 and 2

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

On October 10th and October 11th, the Metropolis of Boston Camp opened its doors for the first time since Winter Camp to welcome 25 participants each day for a brand new Fall Camp offering. Continue Reading... »

Youth & Young Adult Retreat - St. Demetrios, Saco, ME

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

October 17th - Staff from the Metropolis of Boston Camp led a retreat for both youth and young adults. Continue Reading... »

Metropolis of Boston Camp Parish Visit - Braintree, MA

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

October 18th - Staff from the Metropolis of Boston Camp visited the St. Catherine Church in Braintree, MA Continue Reading... »

Letter from His All Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew of Appreciation for Joint Statement on Hagia Sophia

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

To His Eminence Methodios, Metropolitan of Boston, our beloved brother and concelebrant in the Lord: Grace be unto your Archpriesthood and peace from God. We hasten to offer our sincere gratitude for your joint communique with His Eminence Cardinal Sean O'Malley... Continue Reading... »

Announcement of Metropolitan Methodios on The Philoxenia House

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios announces that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, no visitors will be permitted to enter the Philoxenia House until further notice. Continue Reading... »

Orthodox Christian Fellowship Chaplain and Presidents' Meeting

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

On Monday evening, December 22, chaplains and presidents of the New England OCF chapters met to discuss the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 semesters. Continue Reading... »

Archdiocesan Encyclical for the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

Please read the Archdiocesan Encyclical for the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord from His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros here. Continue Reading... »

Patriarchal Proclamation for Christmas

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

Please read the Patriarchal Proclamation for Christmas of our Lord from His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew here. Continue Reading... »

Christmas Greeting From His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

Please read the Christmas Greeting From His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston here. Continue Reading... »

His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios Celebrates Christmas Liturgy at the Annunciation Cathedral

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

To celebrate the Metropolis of Feasts, His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios presided over the Divine Liturgy on Christmas day at the Annunciation Cathedral of Boston. Continue Reading... »

Metropolis of Boston Camp Staff Training - Watertown, MA

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

On Sunday, December 27th, the MBC staff gathered at the Taxiarchae Parish in Watertown, MA for their annual Christmas event. Continue Reading... »

A New Year's Reflection by Father Kyriakos Saravelas

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

As we begin the New Year, I ask that you read this text written by Father Kyriakos Saravelas in 2003. Continue Reading... »

Cardinal Sean O'Malley Visits Metropolitan Methodios on Theophany

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

For the first time ever, His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios received His Eminence Cardinal Sean O'Malley of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston Continue Reading... »

Pastoral Visit of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios in Somerville, MA

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

On Sunday, January 17th, His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios visited the Dormition parish of Somerville, MA. Continue Reading... »

Falling Asleep of Mr. Mark Adam

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

It is with deep sorrow that our Metropolitan informs you of the untimely falling asleep in the Lord of a long-term member of our Metropolis Council, Mark Adam, who passed away suddenly yesterday, Tuesday, January 19, 2021.   Continue Reading... »

Philoxenia House Update

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

We want to share great news about The Philoxenia House! Continue Reading... »

Metropolitan Methodios Offered Greetings to Cardinal Sean O'Malley and the Catholic Archdiocese of Boston during the Chrism Mass celebrated at the Holy Cross Cathedral

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

The Chrism Mass is one of the principle expressions of the fullness of your priesthood Cardinal Sean, and signifies the closeness of the priests of the Archdiocese with you. Today they renew their priesthood and dedication to the Risen Lord and His Holy Church. Continue Reading... »