Installation of Fr. Alexander Chetsas

Wednesday, December 31, 1969
On September 20th, 2020, His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios visited the St. Gregory the Theologian parish of Mansfield, MA and installed Fr. Alexander Chetsas as presiding priest. During his address, His Eminence conveyed to Fr. Alexander his enthusiasm for the new placement and encouraged him to build relationships with the families of the parish as the parish itself truly fosters a spirit of community and family. Fr. Alexander in turn offered his gratitude to His Eminence for his guidance and support, as well as expressed his excitement to work with the parish of St. Gregory in the areas of youth ministry and community outreach. At the conclusion of the service, the Philoptochos formally welcomed the Chetsas family to the community and pledged their support to them as they begin a new phase in their ministry.