The Kosmos Project
The Kosmos Project is a camping exchange program between the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Boston and the Metropolis of Neapolis and Stavroupolis, Greece. Three years ago, His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios together with His Eminence Metropolitan Barnabas inaugurated this exchange program for the youth of their Metropolises.
High school senior and college aged studentsfrom throughout our Metropolis are given the opportunity to experience a two-week long trip to Greece. The first week allows the campers to experience the summer camping ministry offered by the Metropolis of Neapolis. The second week will be a faith and cultural odyssey throughout the beautiful city of Thessaloniki and Northern Greece. The Kosmos Project has as its goal to connect the participants with their faith and cultural heritage, roots, language, history and rich traditions. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity gives participants a chance to experience summer camp in Greece and to explore their faith and cultural identity, learning about the past within the prism of modern-day Greece. In 2017 the trip was led by Rev. Fr. Chris and Presvytera Calir Foustoukos, in 2018 the trip was led by Fr. Chris and Presvytera Penny Stamas, and this year the trip was led by Fr. Dimitrios Moraitis and Presvytera Flora Moraitis.
Similarly, a group of youth from the Metropolis of Neapolis visits our Metropolis and experience the MBC program. They are integrated into the daily routine and assigned to travel with a cabin so they can have the truest possible experience of MBC. During the second week of their stay they tour many sites throughout New England visiting many popular attractions and of course visiting all of our parishes along the way.
The Kosmos Program in just three years has given all the participants, on both ends of this trip, a once in a lifetime trip which has yielded transatlantic friendships and has opened lines of communication for the sharing of ideas and best practices regarding camping ministry.