Metropolis Stewardship Team

In September of 2009, a team of clergy and laymen from our Metropolis traveled to Chicago for an intensive two-day "Stewardship Trainer of Trainers" program during which the National Stewardship Travel Team trained and certified individuals from each Metropolis to be able to provide ongoing training and support to the local communities in the advancement of their parish stewardship program.  Our Metropolis Stewardship Team is available to visit our local parishes to offer support, guidance, and assistance.  District Stewardship Seminars are also offered regularly throughout the year to continue offering resources and training to parish stewardship leaders. 

In October of 2009, His Eminence hosted a Metropolis-wide Stewardship Training Seminar at the Dormition Parish in Somerville for the clergy and lay stewardship leaders of each parish.  Over 100 people participated in this day-long conference where the National Stewardship Travel Team led several inspirational and informative sessions on stewardship advancement at various stages that our parishes find themselves in their stewardship programs--beginning years, and advanced stages. 

The Archdiocesan Office of Stewardship offers great resources and educational materials for use by our parishes.  To access all this stewardship material, visit:

Downloadable Resources

Previous Resources