Fr. Romanos Karanos receives the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians’ St. Romanos Medallion

Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Congratulations to Fr. Romanos Karanos, 2020 recipient of the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians’ St. Romanos Medallion for exemplary national contributions to church music in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America!
Συγχαρητήρια, Πάτερ Ρομανός! ΑΞΙΟΣ! AΞΙΟΣ! AΞΙΟΣ!
Text of the letter from National Forum Chairman Dr. Vicki Pappas, read by Metropolis of Boston Federation President Heidi Mason:
September 13, 2020
Your Eminence, Reverend Fathers, Members of St. Catherine Community, and to the Church Musicians and other Orthodox Faithful present today virtually,
During each Clergy-Laity Congress, the National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians names a recipient of the St. Romanos Medallion for Exemplary Archdiocesan Service in Church Music. This is our highest award, given to individuals who, through their work in church music, have made a significant impact on church music in our Archdiocese.
This year’s recipient is a most worthy one. As a chanter, as a teacher, and now as a clergyman, he has fostered a rebirth of skilled Byzantine chanters in our Archdiocese. His teachings have instilled much knowledge in his students and even more important, a love and a fervor to enhance our services with beautiful chanting, to teach and support others to become chanters, and to produce new renditions of our hymns, a great many in English. His own skills in chanting and his “phronema” towards this art have served as a model to not only to his students, but also for clergy, the chanters, and congregations. He has also created public performances that illuminate the beauty of Orthodox hymns beyond the faithful into the general public.
Through this all, he is a humble person, quiet and generous, serving our national church music ministry and other organizations in the most effective ways.
So today, we are very pleased to announce the 2020 recipient of the St. Romanos Medallion for Exemplary Archdiocesan Service in Church Music to one of your own – your teacher, friend, fellow chanter, fellow clergyman, and spiritual leader, Father Romanos Karanos.
Dearest Father Romanos, from cyberspace, we send you our love as well as our heartiest congratulations. And we thank you for all you’ve accomplished! AXIOS!
In His Service,
Dr. Vicki Pappas National Chairman