Metropolis of Boston Camp - Paraklesis Service

Thursday, April 02, 2020


On the evening of Wednesday, April 1, 2020 the St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church offered the Small Paraklesis service to the Most Holy Theotokos. The service was celebrated by Fr. Vincent Minucci, Associate Pastor of the Parish, and Fr. Dionysios Papiris, Director of the Metropolis of Boston Camp. All the staff, campers, and  families of the Metropolis of Boston Camp were invited to join via the live stream and pray the service from the safety of their home. In his invitation to the families Fr. Dionysios said

 “This is one of our favorite services at MBC and we will all have the chance to pray it together. We will unite our prayers to the Panagia so that She can bring our prayers to her Son and so "Dissipate The Cloud" of this pandemic! We as a Camp end our nights by singing "Lord of the powers be with us; for in times of distress, we have no other help but You! Lord of the powers be with us!" Therefore, in this time of distress we MUST turn to the Lord of the Powers and ground our hope in Him! Let us join together in prayer this Wednesday evening...with one voice...with one one Camp Family.”

The response was incredible were 1,200 people that tuned in to the service and over 600 of those were Metropolis of Boston Camp families that joined in prayer. All the names of the staff and campers were commemorated during the service. At the conclusion of the service Fr. Dionysios conveyed to everyone the love and concern of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios. After the service many campers and staff commented on how great it was to be able to join in prayer, even if everyone was not physically together. One staff member noted:

“...I wanted to thank you for tonight’s service and your words of encouragement after the service. This is a tough time but after tonight’s service I am even more confident that with God’s help we will all come out of this stronger…”