Pastoral Visit of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios in Somerville, MA

Wednesday, December 31, 1969


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On January 17th, the feast of Saint Anthony the Great, the faithful in Somerville enjoyed a visit from our beloved Spiritual Father, His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston. Considering the COVID restrictions and the long period of isolation, the visit of our most loved Hierarch was a heavenly gift. Many of the faithful came to church today for the first time since the start of the pandemic and were able to participate in a service where the prayers of the Holy Hierarch were mixed with their own.

Those in the church were keeping very strict rules of social distancing being thankful just for the opportunity to be present. Many others prayed from the distance of their homes while remaining infinitely close in their hearts. YouTube and Facebook pages of our community were filled with beautiful comments and expressions of love. His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios also offered memorial prayers for brethren who were very much loved by our community; Fr. John Govostes and Fr. Kyriakos Saravelas. These two faithful priests recently fell asleep in the Lord after their long service in the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Boston. At the end of the Liturgy, the faithful enjoyed the Metropolitan’s deep and meaningful words of encouragement. Nothing is more necessary in these times of difficulties than prayerful words of strong faith that are established through actions of love that were brought to us by His Eminence. God Grant Him many healthy years.