Metropolis of Boston Camp Staff Training - Watertown, MA

Wednesday, December 31, 1969


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On Sunday, December 27th, the MBC staff gathered at the Taxiarchae Parish in Watertown, MA for their annual Christmas event. His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios attended divine liturgy with the staff members of the camp whom he addressed at the conclusion of services. During his remarks, His Eminence encouraged the 30 young adults in attendance to embrace the mystery of Christmas as a year-round event informing their lives as opposed to a one time celebration of a historical event. He shared with them the new of the passing of Fr. John Govostes and suggested that they follow his example of warmly embracing the young people of his community. Following His Eminence's remarks, the staff partook in a modified Christmas gift exchange and concluded by hearing from the Proistamenos, Fr. Thanasi Nenes as well as Mr. Costa Magimbi.