Thursday, July 02, 2020
Virtual Camp?! YES! #asummertoremember
Dear MBC Parents,
I hope this email finds you and your family well! 
We certainly wish we could have our traditional camp experience this summer! Unfortunately, our reality is that the Covid-19 pandemic has prohibited us from having camp as we know it. 
During these uncertain times, it is important for our youth to find a grounding and experience a sense of normalcy with things and individuals that are familiar to them. Our Virtual Camp experience will offer your children a space to reconnect with one another as we maintain physical distance. Although we may not be able to be in the physical presence of one another this summer, we will be bringing all the essentials of what makes "camp, camp" to our campers in their homes.  
Many things around us may be changing; however, one thing that should not change is the relationships that your children have formed at camp - and ultimately their relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior who "is the same yesterday and today and forever" Hebrews 13:8. For over 30 years now the Metropolis of Boston Camp has been a place where our youth reignite their faith, and experience that faith in a very tangible way. This summer will be no exception. 
As we approach the start of our camping season, we want to encourage you to register your children for Virtual Camp. It is important for us to have an accurate picture of how many campers will be attending so that we can plan this new and exciting virtual experience accordingly. We look forward to seeing their smiles online!
On behalf of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios, I thank you for your love, dedication, and continued support of our Metropolis camping ministry. 
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 
Faithfully Yours, 
Fr. Dionysios Papiris, Director 
Example Schedule
9:30 am: Morning Prayer and Alone With God 
10:00 am: Morning News!
10:15 am: Interactive Activity
(video challenges, trivia, crafts & more)
11:15 am: Orthodox Life
12:00 pm: Break Until Evening
6:30 pm: Evening Prayer
7:00 pm: Spiritual Journey!
7:20 pm: Evening Activity (Joy Goodnight!)
8:30 pm: GOYA Devotional
9:30(ish) pm: GOYA Goodnight!