Clergy Reflection: Friday Of The Sixth Week

Today’s reading is taken from the final passages from the Book of Genesis... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Thursday Of The Sixth Week

Be glad, O Bethany: for Christ shall come to you, performing in you a great and fearful miracle... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Wednesday Of The Sixth Week

Growing up as an Orthodox Christian, I will admit I never understood the significance of Holy Communion... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Tuesday Of The Sixth Week

“Jesus Wept” “There is not a shorter verse in the Bible, nor a larger text.” ~John Donne Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Monday Of The Sixth Week

Has this Lent made a difference in your everyday life? Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Sunday Of The Fifth Week

On this day, we remember in a special way a woman that many would probably not think of as being holy or worthy of honor... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Friday Of The Fifth Week

We look to Jesus to discover how God acts in the world Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Saturday Of The Fifth Week

The answer to life’s most troubling questions is simple... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Thursday Of The Fifth Week

It is so easy to fall into routine, often without realizing it! Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Wednesday Of The Fifth Week

It is no secret that one of the greatest obstacles to the growth of Christianity today is the life of most Christians... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Tuesday Of The Fifth Week

Open unto me, O Giver of Life, the gates of repentance... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Monday Of The Fifth Week

Have you ever been stopped dead in your tracks? Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Sunday Of The Fourth Week

From our youth we have certainly learned that prayer is like having a conversation with God... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Saturday Of The Fourth Week

Tomorrow, the Fourth Sunday of Great Lent is dedicated to Saint John Climacus... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Friday Of The Fourth Week

Fasting is a constant means of renewing oneself spiritually... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Thursday Of The Fourth Week

Is your life the same ol’, same ol’? Is it full, is it non- existent? Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Wednesday Of The Fourth Week

When we seek God’s Kingdom, we don’t physically journey anywhere, yet we travel a great distance.... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Sunday Of The Third Week

Through the sanctification of the Cross, all the symbolism of the Old Testament becomes apparent... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Saturday Of The Third Week

Tomorrow, we will reach the midpoint of Great Lent... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Friday Of The Third Week

In our world of quick fixes and transformations, the Church proclaims a new makeover... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Thursday Of The Third Week

Halfway between the beginning of Lent and Palm Sunday, we are reminded to venerate the Cross... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Wednesday Of The Third Week

In the midst of Great Lent it would be interesting to take a ‘Spiritual Audit'... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Tuesday Of The Third Week

Today our lives are so full of the demands of work and family that often precious little time is left for us to cultivate our spiritual life... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Monday Of The Third Week

“If anyone wishes to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Sunday Of The Second Week

Deep down, we usually know what God is saying to us... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Saturday Of The Second Week

Each of us is seeking direction in our life... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Friday Of The Second Week

I am reminded of what I learned in my first year of youth ministry 19 years ago...SILENCE IS GOLDEN! Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Thursday Of The Second Week

What is prayer? Is it an almost magical attempt to influence God, to change his will or to call Him to his duties? Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Wednesday Of The Second Week

You enter the Church and take your pew. You find yourself in an holy environment... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Tuesday Of The Second Week

As we seek to improve ourselves spiritually during this holy time... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Tuesday of the Second Week 2

When the Disciples of Christ were unable to cast out the demon from a young man, their master admonished them saying that the demon could only be cast out by prayer and fasting. The Great Forty Days is a time we when we are called to a heightened awareness of prayer and fasting. Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Monday Of The Second Week

St. Paul tells us to “pray constantly”... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Sunday Of The First Week

The first Sunday of the Great Lent is known to many as the Triumph of Orthodoxy... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Saturday Of The First Week

Today, in all of our parishes, we celebrate the life of Christ in the Divine Liturgy even as we remember our departed loved ones... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Friday Of The First Week

On this night in most parishes there is a beautiful prayer service dedicated to the Theotokos... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Thursday Of The First Week

The Great Lent in the Orthodox Church is unique not only among Christians but even in comparison to other faiths... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Wednesday Of The First Week

When I was a teenager I learned a simple truth that a true relationship must go both ways... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Tuesday Of The First Week

One of the most powerful services in our liturgical cycle is the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete... Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Clean Monday

The Church in Her wisdom gives us this time during Great Lent to assist us in refocusing our attention on the inner and more substantive issues in our life that relate to faith, daily living, spirituality, life and death. Continue Reading... »

Clergy Reflection: Forgiveness Sunday

Today is the last day before Great Lent. This day is dedicated to Forgiveness; from God and from each other. Continue Reading... »