Clergy Reflection: Tuesday Of The Fourth Week
Tuesday, April 02, 2019Tuesday of the Fourth Week
This coming Sunday, we are presented with St. John of the Ladder and his book, the Ladder of Di- vine Ascent and the icon signifying this. The book is divided into 30 chapters or steps on the ladder de- scribing the spiritual journey from sinfulness to en- trance into God’s kingdom and perfection. During this 4th week of Lent we are reminded of the original connection between Lent and Bap- tism. Lent is a preparation for Baptism, for the Cate- chumens, those preparing for illumination and Bap- tism on Pascha into the Christian faith. The Cate- chumens were those who were in the narthex, outer part of the church proper, awaiting Baptism. And in one way we are all Catechumens (learners) being inaugurated into the “new age” but only if you believe and repent. We need to return to this state every year because we fall away again and again, our alienation from Christ and His Kingdom, our annual journey back to the very roots of our Chris- tian faith. We need to say to Jesus, as the father said, “I believe Lord, help my unbelief”. Christ will honor our sincerity and honesty and will come into our lives, answer our prayers and heal our infirmi- ties. “If you believe, all things are possible”
Fr. Anastasios Coulouras