Clergy Reflection: Wednesday Of The Sixth Week

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Wednesday of the Sixth Week

Growing up as an Orthodox Christian, I will admit I never understood the significance of Holy Communion. I rarely received Communion and, when I did, it didn’t mean that much to me. We fasted prior to receiving but that, too, seemed to be only a minor inconvenience rather than life-changing spiritual discipline. Tonight in most parishes, we will be celebrating the Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts, a beautiful service that offers us the opportunity to receive Holy Communion mid-week. The fact that it is here at all sug- gest how much the Church wants us to partake in Christ’s Body and Blood during this holy time. It also reminds us of the need to have to connect with oth- ers through Christ and through our shared faith. Like Sunday’s Liturgy, this service places Christ‘s life before us but in a unique way. Rather than hearing an epistle and gospel, we hear the prophetic and poetic psalms of the Old Testament speaking of Christ as the Messiah to come, the Savior who will bring God’s Kingdom to earth. If you plan to attend, simply eat a light vegetarian lunch and no dinner.

Fr. Christopher Stamas