Clergy Reflection: Sunday Of The Third Week
Sunday, March 31, 2019Third Sunday
The Elevation of the Cross
Through the sanctification of the Cross, all the symbolism of the Old Testament becomes apparent: Jacob blessing Joseph’s children by crossing his hands, the invincibility that the army of ancient Israel gained whenever Moses would extend his arms (as if on the Cross), etc. All these signs point to the salvation of mankind, which occurred by way of the Cross! Our Lord’s Cross is placed before us on our journey in order to give us courage. The road to Golgotha is an uphill one, without glory and often, with much fear. However, inevitably, the Resurrec- tion always comes after the Cross! The difficulties, the toils and the sacrifices we make in life do not go unrewarded by God. Our love for our fellow man, our belief in God’s loving providence – even during the most difficult circumstances, the overcoming of our egotistical needs, and the refusal of our individ- ual needs for the sake of the loving community of persons (not individuals), becomes the power of life. This confidence and the blessings that spring from the Precious and Life-giving Cross must characterize our worldview, both in our private life, and our life as members of a community of persons.
Fr. Cleopas Strongylis