Patriarchal Christmas Encyclical
Having once again arrived at the great feast of the Lord’s Nativity, we glorify with hymn and spiritual song the One who emptied Himself for our sake and assumed our flesh so that He might redeem us from captivity to evil and open the gates of paradise to the human race. The Church of Christ rejoices as it liturgically experiences the whole mystery of Divine Economy and receives a foretaste of the glory of the eschatological kingdom, offering a good and godly witness to faith, hope and love in the world. Continue Reading... »
2019 Christmas Reflection of Metropolitan Methodios
M e r r y C h r i s t m a s! Every year we exchange this greeting, wishing that we all have a “merry Christmas”. What we mean and what we think by these words is like a picture taken from the perfect Christmas card: sentimental caroling, sugar plums, mistletoes, and the presents wrapped under the tree. In other words, a Christmas that is more about ¬us than it is about Christ. Continue Reading... »
A True Fast - Reflection from Metropolitan Methodios
In the Divine Liturgy, prior to the Great Entrance, the choir chants the Cherbubic Hymn. It is a most solemn moment when the Holy Gifts are brought before the people and we hear the words, “Let us, who mystically represent the Cherubim and who sing the thrice-holy hymn to the life-creating Trinity, now lay aside every worldly care. Continue Reading... »