Metropolitan Methodios presided at the 100th Anniversary Celebration of Saints Constantine and Helen Church in Webster, MA on May 7th.

Wednesday, December 31, 1969


Metropolitan Methodios presided at the 100th Anniversary Celebration of Saints Constantine and Helen Church in Webster, MA on May 7th.   After postponing the celebration twice over the past two years because of the pandemic, 190 people finally gathered to share in an evening honoring the past, celebrating the present and looking toward a bright future.

The first generation of Greeks came to Webster in the early 1900s working in the town’s many mills. The original Greeks, along with Albanians, established their first parish council in 1919, the date on which the centennial celebration is marked. Metropolitan Vasilios of Dramas dedicated the new church of Saints Constantine and Helen in 1924 with Prince Paul of Greece present for the festivities. Over the past 100 years, 42 priests have served this community.

This community kicked off its 100th Anniversary with the “Good and Faithful Steward Challenge” when they gave each family in their Church cash totaling $30,000 and asked them to find ways to share this blessing with others in need.  They ended their 100th year anniversary by paying off $3.5 million in medical debt for 2,200 families in New England. Over the past 15 years the Church has built nine homes through Project Mexico for families in need.