Metropolis of Boston - St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival Held at Sts. Anargyroi, Marlborough

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

(view more photos here)

Metropolis of Boston Oratorical Festival at Sts. Anargyroi Greek Orthodox Church in Marlborough, MA was held on May 14, 2022 with His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios present at this wonderful event. 

The Competition concluded with the First Place Junior Speaker Award going to Helen Dunning, from Sts. Constantine and Helen Church in Webster, MA and First Place Senior Award going to Miles Kaufman from St. Gregory the Theologian in Mansfield, MA.  Twenty speakers competed at this Metropolis Level Competition.  

The Metropolis of Boston is proud of their young adults who all stepped forward to explore their faith, write their reflections and compete at the Parish and Metropolis Levels of the St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festivals.   Congratulations to all who spoke, their parents, the judges, the parishes, volunteers and all who made this effort possible.