MBC Winter Camp 2023 and Ordination of Fr. Andrew Otto

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

(View more photos from the weekend by clicking here!)

In the presence of over 200 campers and young adult staff members at the Metropolis of Boston Camp, His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios ordained Fr. Andrew Otto at MBC’s Winter Camp session. Fr. Andrew grew up as a camper at MBC and then served as a staff member, Boys’ Director, and Assistant Director, prior to both being married to Presvytera Jen and baptizing their first child at the St. George Chapel in Contoocook, NH. In his remarks, His Eminence reminded Fr. Andrew that his first priority is to the youth of our church. His Eminence reflected on the day’s Gospel urging the newly ordained to remember the most unfortunate in the world. The campers and young adult staff marveled at the magnificence of the ordination, as many of them witnessed this sacrament for the very first time. At the conclusion of the service, Metropolitan Methodios reminded all of the young people present that they have a unique calling to serve Christ in some capacity, some as future priests, others as Prevyteres, but all as laborers in the vineyard of the Lord. During the service, over 40 young people led the chanting and were joined by a full congregation of young voices who chanted during the Divine Liturgy. 

His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios is present at all camp sessions and spends ample time with both campers and staff, getting to know the young people of the Metropolis of Boston through listening to their stories and engaging in the camp activities. This session of camp was the largest since the onset of COVID-19 and featured two field trips. Reflecting on the year’s theme. “Seek first the Kingdom of God” (Matthew 6:33), campers discussed the Sunday Gospel passage regarding the Second Coming of Christ. They were encouraged to see every individual they meet as Christ Himself.

Campers took part in one two field trips. The first featured a tour of the New Hampshire countryside where they visited a sugar house and tasted fresh made pure maple syrup, a creamery to see how cows are milked and pet day old calves. The second field trip led campers to Pat's Peak for skiing, snowboarding, ice skating and tubing. Both ended at Pat's Peak for a Greek glendi in the ski lodge overlooking the mountain!

Campers and staff departed Monday morning and were invited to join MBC for Summer Camp! Registration opens March 1st at 7pm at metropolisofbostoncamp.org. Both Fall and Winter Camp sold out in a matter of minutes so all are encouraged to register right when the registration is made available.