Pastoral Visit - Annunciation, Brockton, MA - Installation of Rev. Dr. Romanos Karanos
Wednesday, December 31, 1969On Sunday, March 6th, His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios visited the Annunciation Church of Brockton, MA to install the Rev. Dr. Romanos Karanos as the parish’s new proistamenos. The church was filled with parishioners who eagerly awaited to welcome their new spiritual father and parish priest. At the end of the service, Fr. John Kiramarios, who served the parish for decades, ushered Fr. Romanos before the Royal Gates, where His Eminence formerly installed him as the presiding priest. At the invitation of His Eminence, the members of the Parish Council, the Ladies’ Philoptochos Society, the Sunday School and the Greek School approached the solea to welcome their new priest.
The entire congregation then gathered in the parish hall for a luncheon hosted in honor of Fr. Romanos. Parish Council president Michael Babinikas addressed those in attendance to thank His Eminence for assigning such a distinguished clergyman to the Annunciation Church, to welcome the Karanos family to their parish, and to recognize Fr. John Kiramarios for his years of service. Various ministry groups offered gifts to Fr. Romanos, Presvytera Dr. Panagoula Diamanti-Karanou and their children. Fr. John then offered remarks welcoming Fr. Romanos and his family to the parish family. Fr. John shared that the community of the Annunciation is a faithful, vibrant community which cares deeply about Orthodox Traditions and possesses the unique ability to make any dream for the parish a reality. His Eminence closed the afternoon’s program by once again sharing his trust in Fr. Romanos’s ability to embrace the members of the community as a spiritual father.
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