MBC Holds Successful Young Adult Retreat

Tuesday, January 10, 2023


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On January 6th, MBC welcomed about 60 young adults at its young adult retreat! Over the course of the weekend, participants had the opportunity to disconnect from every day life and enjoy Christian fellowship at the St. Methodios Faith and Heritage Center. Whether hiking or learning to make Greek pastries, a number of sessions were offered to the young adults who spent time getting to know other participants from all over New England. On Saturday, Dr. George Stavros, Executive Director of Boston University's Danielson Institute, led a session aimed at understanding what struggles and what encouragement the participants have found in their faith journeys over their young adulthood. Additionally, Fr. Ephraim Peters offered two dynamic and engaging short talks to participants following Vespers and Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning. Many of the young adults were touched by the blessings and greetings of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios conveyed by Metropolis staff as they expressed his enthusiastic blessing and support throughout the planning of the retreat.