Farewell and Appreciation Luncheon for the Rev. Dr. Diane Kessler

Wednesday, December 31, 1969


(left to right): The Rev. Fr. David Michael, Metropolitan Methodios, the Rev. Dr. Diane Kessler, Cardinal Sean O’Malley, the Rev. Fr. Theodore Barbas and Dr. Vito Nicastro.

On Wednesday, January 13th, His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios and the Rev. Fr. Theodore Barbas were guests at a farewell and appreciation luncheon hosted by Cardinal Sean O’Malley for the Rev. Dr. Diane Kessler.

Dr. Kessler was Executive Director of the Massachusetts Council of Churches for many years and a member of the Joint Working Group of the World Council of Churches and the Holy See. Her work and passion for the ecumenical movement made her a valued and respected partner.

During her years as Executive Director, she had a close working relationship with our Metropolis, attending many services and Metropolis events. Metropolitan Methodios and Cardinal Sean O’Malley expressed the appreciation of Orthodox and Catholic Christians to the Rev. Dr. Kessler for her great contributions to the Christian community of Boston.