Friday, August 13, 2021
My dearest brothers and sisters in Christ,
Even now as I speak to you, the fires are still ravaging Greece. And when this horror is over, thousands of our Greek brethren will be left without their homes and possessions.
It is for this reason that I am calling on every parish across our sacred Archdiocese this Sunday to take-up a special collection for this purpose — the same day on which we celebrate the feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos.
I am also inviting whoever wishes to make a direct donation, to do so by visiting the website of our Archdiocese.
An accounting of all funds raised for this purpose will be made public, so that every person of goodwill can see how their generosity has effectuated positive results on the ground in Greece.
May God, the Comforter, through the Holy Intercessions of the Virgin Mother of God, whose sacred Dormition we will celebrate in a few short days, send speedy relief to the people of Greece, and bring to an end this terrible inferno that continues to devastate our Ellada, την Ελλάδα μας.
With paternal love in Christ Jesus,
Archbishop of America
August 11, 2021
To the Reverend Clergy, Parish Councils, and Philoptochos Societies
of the Metropolis of Boston
Brothers and Sisters in the Household of God,
As you know, over the past week catastrophic fires have devastated many parts of Greece. Countless brethren have lost their homes as well as their jobs and possessions. Thankfully, only a handful have lost their lives.
This coming Sunday as we celebrate the Feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, I ask that you be especially generous in contributing to the special collection which will be taken to benefit the victims of the tragedy.
I look forward to hearing the results of your generosity.
With Archpastoral love,
Metropolitan of Boston