Pastoral Visit of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios - St. George Cathedral in Springfield, MA

Wednesday, December 31, 1969



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The St. George Cathedral in Springfield, MA, welcomed His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios on Sunday, April 11, 2021.  It was a great blessing to have His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston who through his presence, prayer, and words gave all in the church and those streaming LIVE from home strength and courage to journey through the rest of Great Lent in the midst of the Pandemic.  His Eminence also held the Service of Tonsuring for the Altar Boys present.  It was joyous and all were moved watching the young men of the community being given the responsibility of serving in the altar.  The voices of all the congregation singing "AXIOS" for each young man resonated throughout with faith and love. The faithful shared with The Rev. Fr. Dionysios Koulianos, proistamenos of the parish, how they were moved and touched by His Eminence's genuine care for his flock.