Fr. Alexander Orphanos Installed at Annunciation in Woburn, MA

Wednesday, December 31, 1969


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On Sunday, January 31, 2021, the Annunciation parish of Woburn, MA was pleased to welcome his Eminence Metropolitan Methodios for the installation of Father Alexander J. Orphanos as Proistamenos of the church.  They were also pleased to welcome Presbytera Patricia along with a number of their family to celebrate this wonderful event.  The church was at capacity under the current pandemic restrictions and they had a large viewership on their streaming services.  Unfortunately, due to the pandemic there was no formal reception, but presentations were made to Father Alex and Presbytera Patricia from Parish Council President George Bibilos and Philoptochos President Olympia Frazier at the conclusion of services. The Annunciation parish of  Woburn looks forward to a prosperous new chapter for their church under the spiritual leadership of Father Alex.  Axios!