MBC Fall Camp Great Success

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

(click the image above to see photos from the weekend!)

Between Saturday, October 31st and Sunday, November 1st, the Metropolis of Boston Camp opened its doors to both high school juniors and seniors together with middle school aged campers. The program, which was run by over 20 staff members, was a great joy for both the campers and the staff themselves. Fr. Christopher Foustoukas and Fr. Romanos Karanos celebrated Divine Liturgy on Saturday and Sunday respectively, assisted in the 'Orthodox Life' catechetical sessions, and participated in the many activities with the campers. Throughout the day, campers were able to unpack the theme from the first chapter of Joshua, "Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, do not be discouraged; for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Campers particularly expressed their appreciation to take part in activities in the outdoors and to retreat from their homes and schools.

The Metropolis of Boston Camp is excited to welcome high school students on both November 14th and 15th for its last Fall Camp offering! To learn more and to register, please visit: metropolisofbostoncamp.org