Metropolis Clergy-Laity Assembly Postponed
Wednesday, October 02, 2019To the Reverend Clergy and Faithful Stewards of the Metropolis of Boston
Regrettably, we were just informed today that the Maliotis Cultural Center is not in a position to host our Metropolis Clergy-Laity Assembly this coming Saturday, October 5, due to urgent structural-electrical problems recently communicated to Hellenic College Holy Cross by an engineering expert. Seeing that no other venue is available at this late date, we are forced to postpone this Saturday's Assembly to a future date. More information will be forthcoming.
However, the Friday Stewardship Training Seminar WILL BE HELD as scheduled from 10 am - 4 pm at the Annunciation Church in Woburn, MA.
For more information and registration for the Friday Stewardship Seminar, please visit:
CLICK HERE to Register For The Stewardship Training Seminar
Additionally, Thursday night's Orthodoxy On Tap IS ON as scheduled for 7 pm at UNOs in Kenmore Square Boston for all young adults of our Metropolis.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
On behalf of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios, we thank you for your dedication and faithful service to the Metropolis and to your local Parish. I extend to you the blessings and prayers of our Metropolitan.
With love in the Lord,
Reverend Theodore J. Barbas