An Archpastoral Message on the "Sanctity of Life" From Metropolitan Methodios and Cardinal Sean O'Malley: Let Your Voice Be Heard! Say NO to Expanded Abortion Access

Monday, May 27, 2019
To the Reverend Clergy and Faithful Stewards of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Boston
Dear Friends,
On behalf of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios, we share with you the attached information sheet prepared by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston.  The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Boston stands together with our Catholic brothers and sisters in promoting and defending the sanctity of life.  The attached information sheet describes the details surrounding the upcoming two bills that will be presented to the Massachusetts State Legislature for debate:
The Massachusetts State Legislature will consider passing into law two deeply troubling bills this legislative session. They are identical in text but differ slightly in their titles:
  1. The first, (House Bill 3320) is “An Act removing obstacles and expanding access to women’s reproductive health”. 
  2. The second, (Senate Bill 1209) is “An Act to remove obstacles and expand abortion access”. 
We call upon all faithful Greek Orthodox stewards to join the inter-faith Christian Community in prayerfully considering the ramifications of these issues.
May the Light of the Lord's glorious third-day Resurrection bring life, peace and love to the entire world.
Please see the attached information sheet and the following two links:
The following link is to a sermon by Fr. Luke Veronis on this important issue: "The Sanctity of Life" given on the Metropolis of Boston radio program on April 14, 2019:
The following link is the audio version of the sermon by Fr. Luke Veronis on this important issue: "The Sanctity of Life" given on the Metropolis of Boston radio program on April 14, 2019:

Let Your Voice Be Heard!
Say NO to Expanded Abortion Access


The Massachusetts State Legislature will consider passing into law two deeply troubling bills this legislative session. They are identical in text but differ slightly in their titles. The first, (House Bill 3320) is “An Act removing obstacles and expanding access to women’s reproductive health”. The second, (Senate Bill 1209) is “An Act to remove obstacles and expand abortion access”. Current law would be dramatically changed by:

  1.  Expanding abortion access, including late-term abortions, during the nine months of pregnancy for virtually any reason.
  2. Eliminating requirements that late-term abortions be performed in a hospital.
  3. Eliminating the requirement that provides medical care to a child who survives an abortion attempt.
  4. Eliminating the requirement that a minor under the age of 18 have the consent of a parent, guardian, or the courts.
  5. Expanding state funding for women who cannot afford the procedure.

How can your voice be heard?

Contact your legislators, let them know you are a Massachusetts voter, and say NO on Abortion Expansion! Also encourage your family, friends, and neighbors to take the same action.

This committee will be considering HB 3320. Although a hearing date has not been set, please let the committee members know that you oppose HB 3320. A link to the committee members can be found at: 

  • Contact the members of the Joint Committee on Public Health.

This committee will be considering SB 1209. Although a hearing date has not been set, please let the committee members know that you oppose SB 1209. A link to the committee members can be found at: