The Reverend Father Konstantinos Manetas Assigned as the New Proistamenos of the St. Nectarios Parish of Roslindale

Wednesday, February 06, 2019

His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios is pleased to announce the appointment of The Reverend Father Konstantinos Manetas as  the new Pastor (Proistamenos) of the St. Nectarios Parish of Roslindale beginning February 15, 2019.  Fr. Manetas has served as the Proistamenios of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary in Somerville for the past seven years and brings with him a rich pastoral experience that will enhance and grow the ministries of the St. Nectarios Parish.   

Fr. Konstantinos is happily married to his wife Anna since 1978. They have a daughter, Eleni, who practices Child Psychiatry. After many years in the Medical Dentistry field, Fr. Konstantinos decided to dedicate his life to the Ministry of the Church and was ordained to the Holy Diaconate in 2008 and to the Holy Priesthood in 2009 by His Beatitude Archbishop Ieronymons of Athens. After coming to the United States in 2011, he was assigned as the associate pastor of the St. Vasilios Greek Orthodox Church in Peabody, MA where he served till he was named as the Proistamenos of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary Church in Somerville, MA in 2012. We wish him good strength as he begins this new pastoral ministry which opens a new chapter in the life and history of the Roslindale Community!  AXIOS!!