Metropolitan Methodios Offers Invocation at Governor Charlie Baker

Friday, January 04, 2019

On Thursday, January 3, 2019 His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios attended the inauguration ceremonies for His Excellency Governor Charlie Baker and Her Honor the Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and offer we the invocation of the inauguration. 

His Eminence offered the following invocation: 

Heavenly King, Comforter, the spirit of truth who is ever present and fills all things, the Treasure of all blessings and source of life, we beseech you to dwell in our hearts and accept our humble prayer of invocation.  

We fervently pray that You, who enlightens and sanctifies every human being, bestow your blessings upon our Governor Charles D. Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito whom You, in your divine providence, have called to continue serving the citizens of this Commonwealth. Seal them with the light of your countenance that they may perceive the radiance of your divine will. Continue to inspire their decisions with your wisdom, their evaluations with your love, and their judgments with your mercy, fairness and justice. Continue to imbue them with the spirit of truth, granting them wisdom, insight and boldness as they address the difficult issues confronting the Commonwealth. May they continue to lead with courage, compassion and confidence. We pray that You captivate their hearts, mold their ethos, inspire their minds and guide them in the difficult execution of their high trust. May they always be protected under the shield of your righteousness and be armed with the sword of your spirit. May they be sensitive to the sadness of those who are neglected; sensitive to the terror of those victimized by crime; sensitive to the suffering of the unemployed; sensitive to the humiliation of the homeless, and those oppressed by discrimination.May they break down any existing walls of enmity and distrust, and open the gates to a new era of reconciliation and brotherhood, of justice, equality and opportunity.  

We ask this in your name, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Amen.