Orthodoxy on Tap - Fall Semester 2018

Monday, September 24, 2018

With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston, over 120 young adults from the greater Boston area met at UNO’s Pizzeria and Grill on Thursday, September 20 for Orthodoxy on Tap’s first gathering of the Fall season. Fr. Elias Villis, Proistamenos of the Greek Orthodox Church of Our Savior in Rye, NY and Director of Camp St. Paul, joined the community of young adults to lead them in discussion on the theme, ‘Is Christ Real in Our Lives?’ Fr. Elias shared very heartfelt stories surrounding his personal faith journey as well as focused on the powerful prayer found in the 9th chapter of Mark’s Gospel, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief” (Mark 9:24).

After a thought-provoking round of questions and answers, participants were made aware of the many parishes and communities located throughout Greater Boston together with the various OCF chapters available to those studying in universities throughout the state.

The Orthodoxy on Tap team looks forward to seeing all young adults who have or have not yet joined its vibrant, diverse community at the next gathering on October, 18. All are welcome at 7pm at UNOs in Kenmore Square as Fr. Michael Tishell will be leading the group’s conversation.

Visit Orthodoxy on Tap on Facebook by searching for ‘Orthodoxy on Tap - Boston’ and fill out our contact form (https://goo.gl/forms/rVmML63hZt1H60Jn1) to stay up to date on the ministry’s latest happenings.