Tuesday, August 07, 2018
On Sunday, August 5th, 2018 His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios presided over the liturgy at the St. Methodios Faith and Heritage, marking the close of the Metropolis of Boston Camp’s Summer Camping Ministry. 
Over the last four weeks, more than 500 youth from throughout the Metropolis together with a staff of 100 young adults to strengthen their relationship with Jesus Christ, learning about our rich Greek cultural heritage, and built strong bonds of fellowship with each other. Campers and staff spent time with the theme, “I believe in Him, through Him, because of Him,” focusing on various aspects of the creed. The Camp is especially proud to have focused this year on strengthen its programming for JOY aged campers (8-11 years old) by developing curriculum and activities better suited to that age group’s learning style. 
Additionally, two very important programs were offered this summer, both for the second consecutive year. First, the Olympiacos FC Soccer Camp, run in tandem with MBC’s normal program, was a huge success with 45 participants. Coaches, players, and staff from the soccer club offered an intensive skills clinic, bringing premier European soccer teaching methods to Metropolis youth. Second, the Metropolis is excited to be hosting the Kosmos Project once again at the St. Methodios Faith and Heritage Center. Twenty-five staff and campers from the Metropolis of Neapolis and Stavroupolis in Thessaloniki participated in the last week of MBC’s program. These youth and young adults are currently spending a week touring parishes throughout the Metropolis, as well as visiting iconic sites throughout New England.

Click Here to View the Entire Photo Gallery from MBC 2018!