Metropolis of Boston Federation of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians - Conference 2017

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

On the weekend of November 10, 11, and 12 the Metropolis of Boston Federation of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians gathered for their annual conference.  On Sunday November 12, 2017 His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral of New England. The choir that sang during the Divine Liturgy was comprised of choir members from parishes from throughout the Metropolis. The choir sang under the direction of Dr. Dean Limberakis, Choirmaster of the Cathedral Choir, whom His Eminence thanked for his many years of dedicated service to musical ministries of the Church. In his remarks His Eminence stressed the important role that choirs play in the spiritual edification of the faithful who gather to worship in their parishes. His Eminence encouraged the choir members to continue their ministry to the Church and also to inspire the younger generations to be a part of this wonderful ministry. It is important to mention that this year marks the 70 year anniversary of the Metropolis of Boston Federation of Greek Orthodox Musicians. During the reception the Federation wished His Eminence a many years on the occasion of his upcoming birthday. 

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