The Kosmos Project: A Journey to Greece

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Boston


The Metropolis of Neapolis and Savroupolis Present


His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios is pleased to announce The Kosmos Project: A Journey to Greece, a camping exchange program between the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Boston and the Metropolis of Neapolis and Stavroupolis, Greece.  Juniors and seniors in high school will be given the opportunity to experience a two-week long trip to Greece. The first week will allow the campers to experience the summer camping ministry offered by the Metropolis of Neapolis. The second week will be a faith and cultural odyssey throughout the beautiful city of Thessaloniki and Northern Greece. 

The Kosmos Project has as its goal to connect the participants with their faith and cultural heritage, roots, language, history and rich traditions. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity will give participants a chance to experience summer camp in Greece and to explore their faith and cultural identity, learning about the past within the prism of modern day Greece.

Campers will be accompanied by the Rev. Fr. Chris and Presbytera Claire Foustoukos along with veteran staff members of the Metropolis of Boston Camp.  

Dates: July 21st - August 7th

The Metropolis of Boston will substantially underwrite the cost of this Journey to Greece, including airfare, activities, lodging, accommodations, meals and all transportation within Greece. Participant contribution towards tuition is only $750. 

Rising Juniors and Seniors in high school must submit their applications by June 1st, 2017.

 Space is limited!  Apply today!

Click Here To Apply Today!