Orthodoxy on Tap - Religion and Migration in the Mediterranean: Dramas of Human Security

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

On Thursday, February 23rd, the first episode of the 2017 Orthodoxy on Tap series was held at Uno’s Pizzeria in Kenmore Square, Boston, MA. Nearly 100 young adults and faithful from all across the Metropolis gathered for fellowship and to participate in an eye-opening discussion led by Dr. Elizabeth Prodromou of Tufts University’s Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. In this talk titled ‘Religion and Migration in the Mediterranean: Dramas of Human Security, Dr. Prodromou guided a conversation around the modern day struggle of refugees migrating through the Mediterranean. These struggles include physical and emotional harm, oppression, the violation of the most basic human rights, and much more. Having recently participated in a conference hosted by the Ecumenical Patriarch and the Archbishop of Canterbury titled ‘Sins Before Our Eyes: Modern Slavery,’ Dr. Prodromou was able to articulate this very inquisitive group on what it is that the Orthodox Church teaches surrounding issues like this. Join us at Uno’s Pizzeria in Kenmore Square, Boston, MA for our next two outings on Thursday, March 23rd and Thursday, April 20th at 7pm. We look forward to seeing you there!