Metropolitan Methodios Visits the Construction Site of the New Alpha-Omega Soccer Field at the St. Methodios Faith and Heritage Center

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios visited the Camp and Retreat Center to personally see the progress of the construction of the new Alpha-Omega Soccer Field at the St. Methodios Faith and Heritage Center. The Metropolitan met with George Haseotes who has graciously offered to donate all the site work needed to build the field. The Alpha-Omega Council began a vision of a sports field several years ago. With the Evritanian Society and Harry Katis adding their support, the vision grew. Mr. Haseotes has pledged to match the current donations by sending his construction crew to physically build the field. Two large excavators, site dump truck, bulldozer and rollers round out the equipment with Mr. Haseotes sending two operators and much of the time operating the machines himself. As the photos show, during his visit, the Metropolitan jumped in one of the large excavators to give a personal hand in the building of the field.

His Eminence invites the faithful throughout New England to join him at the Camp and Retreat Center for an Open House on Saturday, September 17, Following the Divine Liturgy at 9.30 am, the campers will dive into the lake to retrieve the Holy Cross, which will be followed by the blessing of two new cabins, the new soccer field and an open-air pavilion donated by the George K. Menichios Post #324.

The MBC summer camp program just completed its six-week session where over 500 campers and over 100 staff enjoyed a fun-filled experience based in our Greek Orthodox faith and tradition. For full details, photos and videos from MBC Summer 2016, please visit:

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