Friday, June 10, 2016

Orthodox and Catholic Theologians meet

at the St. Methodios Faith and Heritage Center

His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston hosted the meeting of the Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation at the St. Methodios Faith and Heritage Center in Contoocook, NH on May 31-June 2, 2016.

The Consultation was established in 1965 by the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops, now the Assembly of Orthodox Bishops, and the Catholic Conference of Bishops, now the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops.   The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops became a co-sponsor of the Consultation in 1997.

Metropolitan Methodios serves as the Orthodox chairman. Archbishop Joseph Tobin of Indianapolis, Indiana serves at the Catholic chairman. The Consultation brings together in twelve theologians from both churches. The Theological Consultation contributes to the restoration of full communion in the Apostolic Faith between the Orthodox and Catholic churches.   

For the past three years, the Consultation has been examining the topic of the ‘Christian Faithful” with the intent of preparing an Agreed Statement.  The discussion was led by Catholic theologian Prof. Susan Wood and Orthodox theologian Prof. Paul Meyendorff.

From the Orthodox members, papers were presented by Fr. John Erickson, Fr. Patrick Viscuso, and Fr. Thomas FitzGerald, who serves as Executive Secretary of the Consultation.

From the Catholic members, papers were presented by Fr. Brian Daley and Fr. Ron Roberson.

Over the past fifty years, the Consultation has produced twenty-eight Agreed Statements on topics such as the Holy Eucharist, Mixed Marriages, the Filioque as well as Primacy and Conciliarity. More recently, the Consultation published “Steps Towards a Reunited Church: An Orthodox-Catholic Vision for the Future.”