Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Metropolitan Methodios Attends Catholic Chrism Service

On Tuesday March 22, 2016, at the invitation of Cardinal Sean O’Malley, His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston attended the Chrism Mass at the Roman Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Cross.  For our Roman Catholic brethren, the Chrism Mass, which is held every year on Holy Tuesday, manifests the unity of the clergy to their Bishop. The clergy renew their priestly vows showing their respect and support for their spiritual leader, Cardinal Sean O’Malley.

His Eminence, on behalf of the Orthodox community, offered his warmest wishes praying that each and every person who venerates the Blood stained cross feel our Lords embrace and be counted worthy to experience the joy of His Resurrection.  His Eminence also urged both the clergy and laity present at the Mass to pray for our war-torn brethren in the Middle East, victims of the ongoing genocide many of whom have lost their lives because they refuse to renounce their Christian Faith.