Friday, October 16, 2015

Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation


The Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation in North America will celebrate its Fiftieth Anniversary on October 22-24, 2015 in Worcester, Massachusetts. The first historic meeting was held in Worcester on September 9, 1965 under the leadership of Archbishop Iakovos and Catholic Bishop Bernard Flanagan.

Metropolitan Methodios of Boston, the Orthodox chairman of the Theological Consultation, invites members of the HCHC community to the public events observing the Fiftieth Anniversary.

A Vesper Service and reception will be held at St. Spyridon Greek Orthodox Cathedral, 102 Russell Street, Worcester, and MA 01609, on Thursday October 22 at 5:30 pm. Metropolitan Methodios will preside. The homily will be given by Catholic Archbishop Joseph Tobin of Indianapolis. The Choir from HCHC will chant under the direction of Prof. Grammenos Karanos.

On Friday October 23 at 3pm, the Consultation will sponsor a meeting of Orthodox and Catholic students from local colleges and theological schools. It will be held at Assumption College, Tinsley Building,  500 Salisbury St, Worcester, MA 01609.    Dr. Paul Meyendorff of St Vladimir’s Theological Seminary and Fr. Paul McPartlan of Catholic University will discuss with the students the accomplishments of the Theological Consultation. Dr. Despina Prassas of Holy Cross and Providence College will serve as the moderator.