Metropolis of Boston Philoptochos Chapters and Parishes Embrace "Operation Housewarming" for the Homeless Veterans

Monday, August 11, 2014

Operation Housewarming was established a little over one year ago under the leadership of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios.  Today this ministry is thriving and growing stronger with each passing day due to the overwhelming support and generosity of all the Philoptochos chapters and parish communities at large.  That overwhelming response to this ministry has enabled us to assemble and distribute 60 large housewarming baskets to date to VA Medical Centers Bedford and Brockton.  The baskets contain all the necessary items needed for homeless veterans transitioning to independent living.

On August 6, 2014 once again Metropolitan Methodios presented VA officials with a shipment of 18 housewarming baskets as shown in the pictures below.  Also present were members of the Metropolis and Arlington Philoptochos.