Metropolis of Boston Family Winter Camp 2014

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

With over 140 participants from across the New England Metropolis, families had a fantastic weekend at Winter Family Camp. They had the opportunity to spend time together in activities throughout the camp grounds. The children had fun playing broom ball on the frozen lake or sledding on the mounds of snow. Some families chose to stay indoors and enjoyed arts and crafts and learned to make prosforo. Our Saturday night family activity prepared us for the Lenten season.  It was a fun and inter-active activity that the adults and children enjoyed followed by a chanting activity lead by Christina Stavros who is a student at Holy Cross School of Theology Byzantine Music program.   On Sunday His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios celebrated the Divine Liturgy. We closed with the weekend with a short presentation from our weekend speakers reminding us to always remember what we are grateful for and to focus on keeping our Orthodox faith alive and active not only at these camping opportunities but in each of our homes.

Please click here to view all the pictures from the weekend: