Feast of St. Methodios

Friday, June 15, 2012


Brookline, MA: The Clergy and faithful of the Metropolis of Boston joined in prayer for the Feast of St. Methodios, Archbishop of Constantinople and Confessor, the Nameday of Metropolitan Methodios.

On Wednesday, June 13, the Cathedral Chapel was filled with faithful from the Metropolis as the Great Vesper Service was chanted.  At the conclusion of the service, the Metropolitan welcomed all those present and thanked his brother clergy who labor tirelessly for the proclamation of the Gospel and for the faithful diakonia they offer the
Church.  His Eminence also thanked the countless laymen who serve so lovingly the ministries of their local Parish and the Metropolis. Metropolitan Methodios then spoke about the Ecumenical Patriarchate and asked for the continued prayers and support of our flock here in America for the Ecumenical Patriarchate.  Following the service, a reception was hosted by the Metropolis Philoptochos Board for all those in attendance. 

On Thursday, June 14, the Orthos and Divine Liturgy was celebrated by His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios.  At the conclusion of the Liturgy an Artoklasia Service was again offered for the health of all the clergy and faithful of the Metropolis who labor the building of the ministries of the Church.  The Metropolis Philoptochos Board hosted a reception following the Liturgy at the Metropolis Center.

The clergy of the Metropolis gathered with His Eminence for a luncheon during which the Metropolitan encouraged them in their priestly ministries and expressed his gratitude for their faithful diakoria.  The new Clergy Brotherhood Board and District Representatives were elected to serve a two-year term.

The entire Metropolis family joins in prayer of thanksgiving to God for the spiritual shepherding of His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios for the past 28 years as the Father and Chief Shepherd of this Holy Metropolis. This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of His Eminence’s ordination to the Episcopacy.

As we celebrate this 30th anniversary we pray the Lord will bless our Metropolitan with many years of health to “Rightly teach the Word of His truth.”

Είς πολλα έτη Δέσποτα!