Trisagion Prayer for Archbishop Iakovos

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Beloved brethren,


          Next Friday, July 29th, marks the 100th anniversary since the birth of our late beloved Archbishop Iakovos.


          I will offer a trisagion at his gravesite and ask that each of you take a few moments to pray for the repose of his soul.  Let us thank Almighty God for blessing our church in America with such an exemplary man of faith who earned the respect and love of not only the flock which was entrusted to his care, but of all Americans.


          Please offer a trisagion following services next Sunday, July 31, in your parishes.


          May his memory be eternal.


                                                                      With Episcopal love,


                                                                       M E T H O D I O S

                                                                   Metropolitan of Boston