Vacation Church School 2007

Monday, August 06, 2007

Vacation Church School 2007 got off to a great start with early morning showers creating a rainbow over the Metropolis of Boston as campers began to arrive. About fifty campers, ages four through twelve, attended the camp. The campers had fun filled days, beginning together with morning prayers, and ending all together with outdoor fun and games.
Throughout the day, the campers split into groups and attended different sessions. In Orthodox life, the children learned about the Twelve Great Feasts of the Church. During arts and crafts, we worked on different projects, including mosaic crosses and a "V.C.S. banner". With temperatures soaring, the campers enjoyed splashing around outside with all sorts of water games and sprinklers.
On Thursday, the whole V.C.S. camp took a field trip to the Metropolis of Boston Camp in Contoocook, New Hampshire. On the bus ride back to Brookline, one V.C.S. camper exclaimed "I can't wait to go to M.B.C. and V.C.S. next year!"
Like it began, Vacation Church School finished strong. On Friday, the campers learned about the upcoming feast of the Transfiguration (August 6th), relaxed during a concert put on by campers and staff, and had a blast with an ice cream social to end the week. As she was leaving the Metropolis on the last day of camp, Christina, 12, said "V.C.S. should stand for ‘very cool school'. It's cool because you get to learn about your faith, make friends, and have fun, all at the same time."

To view photos of VCS, click here.