Metropolis of Boston Clergy-Laity

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

Available Resources from the 2021 Metropolis of Boston Clergy Laity Assembly

Metropolis of Boston Parish Best Practices Guide
Parish Council Procedures & Administrative Practices Prepared by the Metropolis of Boston Finance Committee
Rev. 08/2019

2021 Metropolis of Boston Clergy Laity Booklet
Metropolis of Boston Clergy Laity Assembly Booklet: Contextual Understanding, Mission Clarity, Vibrant Practices
St. Demetrios, Weston, MA

Faithtree Resources: Relationship Project

As a gift from His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios, all parishes who wish to participate in the Relationship Project curriculum series from Faithtree Resources may do so by filling out the form below by November 8th. His Eminence is gifting all parishes the curriculum, leader guides, and video resources. Parishes will be expected to purchase workbooks for each child at a cost.

Relationship Project Contact Information

Youth Safety

All parishes must select a parish youth safety administrator. Please fill out the form below with their information by November 8th:

Parish Youth Safety Administrator Contact Information

Thriving Congregations Initiative

Every parish of the Metropolis of Boston is invited and encouraged to participate in the Thriving Congregations Initiative. Please select one individual from your parish who will champion these efforts on the parish level.

Thriving Congregations Champion Contact Information

View the Assembly's Presentations Here

View the Thriving Congregation Initiative presentation here!

View the Youth and Young Adult Ministry presentation here!

View the Youth Safety Presentation here!

View the Metropolis of Boston Camp presentation here!

View the St. Methodios Faith & Heritage Center presentation here!

View the Financial Reports here!

View the Youth Ministry Curriculum presentation here!