2013 Metropolis of Boston Clergy-Laity Conference Schedule

Wednesday, December 31, 1969

Maliotis Cultural Center
on the campus of Hellenic College Holy Cross in Brookline, MA »


Arrival and Registration

9:00 AM

Opening Prayer

Welcome and Keynote Address

His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston

    Morning Session
    Archdiocesan Ministries
    • Information Technologies
    • Stewardship, Outreach and Evangelism
    • Youth & Young Adult Ministries
    • Parish Growth & Development
    Metropolis Ministries
    • Emerging Leaders Ministry
    • Youth & Young Adult Ministries
    • The Metropolis of Boston Camp
    • The St. Methodios Faith and Heritage Center
    • Philoptochos Ministries
    • The Philoxenia House
    • Administration and Finance Reports

    Lunch & Workshops

    Working lunch in one workshop of your choice: 

    • Internet Ministries - Information Technologies
    • Stewardship, Outreach & Evangelism
    • Young Adults as Emerging Leaders
    • Parish Growth and Development
    • Enriching Catechism - Lifetime Learners
    • Philoptochos Ministries
    • Finance (for Parish Council Treasurers)

    Closing and Prayer

    3:00 PM