An Evening with Chef Maria Loi and Dr. Stefanos Kales

Wednesday, August 05, 2020


MOB Philoptochos Board with Chef Maria Loi and Metropolitan Methodios


May 2, 2019- An Evening with Chef Maria Loi and Dr. Stefanos Kales, St. Demetrios Church, Weston, MA.
We spent much of the spring of 2019 planning our annual fundraiser. The evening included a presentation by Chef Loi and Dr. Kales about The Greek Diet. During their presentation they spoke about their research in which they found the many benefits of the diet most of us have grown up eating! They highlighted fish, legumes, fresh fruit, Greek yogurt, and many wonderful recipes passed down by generations of Greek families.

Following the presentation was a book signing of The Greek Diet by Chef Loi, a silent raffle, and fellowship in the main hall. The event was a major success raising close to $25,000 to support Philoptochos Ministries.