Monday, January 01, 2018

2017 - 2019 Metropolis Philoptochos Board appointments announced

His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios, Chairman of the Metropolis Philoptochos Board, announced the following appointments on Saturday, September 30, at the Board’s first meeting of the new ecclesiastical year.

The Executive Committee, with Metropolitan Methodios as Chair, is comprised of President Elaine Zetes, First Vice President Georgia Lagadinos, Second Vice President Eleni Stamboulidis, Corresponding Secretary Maria Tamvakologos, Recording Secretary Irene Stefanakos, and Advisor Frances Levas.  Board members from chapters across the Metropolis are Aleka Akriviellis, Calliope Badavas, Debbie Ciejek, Alexandra Coios Dimou, Kiki Feldmar, Amy Kalogeropoulos, Athena Kalyvas, Stella Kazantzas, Sharon Konstantinidis, Elpiniki Mavredakis, Theresa Nibi, Eleni Pantelis, Diane Stamatopulos, Evangelia Stamoulis, and Cleopatra Tsolas. The term of office runs from September 2017 through August 2019.

The Board discussed their work plan for the coming year, including these upcoming events: on November 29, St. Andrew’s Vespers will be celebrated at the Metropolis Center, followed by installation of the new Board and a reception hosted by the Metropolis Philoptochos; a Veterans’ Housewarming Basket Appeal will be issued in November; and a fundraiser will be held in March 2018, with details to follow soon.  Watch this website for updates and check out our Facebook page at

The Metropolis of Boston Philoptochos held their Biennial Conference on June 17, 2017 at the Cathedral Center in Brookline.  Greetings and opening remarks were extended by His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios, Rev. Fr Demetrios Tonias, Cathedral Dean, Calliope Galatis, president of the Annunciation Cathedral Philoptochos and Frances Levas, Metropolis President.

Irene Stefanakos, co-chair welcomed all the delegates and thanked them for their attendance.  Elaine Zetes, co –chair presented the roll call and credentials confirming that there were 20 chapters registered, 38 chapter delegates, 1 National board delegate, 17 Metropolis board delegates and 5 guests.

The newly ordained Rev Fr Ioannis Michaelidies, the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries and the Metropolis of Boston Camp updated the delegates on the exciting opportunities for our youth, The Olympiacos Soccer team and the Cosmos Project from Greece and all the youth ministries within our Metropolis. He asked all the Philoptochos delegates in attendance to continuously encourage our youth to get involved.

Paulette Geanacopoulos from the National Philoptochos Office, who is a licensed social worker spoke about the social services and how she vets all clients from within the Archdiocesan District and the Metropolises. There are many people who need a little help to get through the rough spots. 

The business portion of the meeting continued with reports from the president and all the metropolis ministries. The financial report was presented along with the 2017-2019 budget which was approved by the delates. 

The election procedures were explained by former president Philippa Condakes.  Elections took place with the following results:

Area 1:     Alexandra Coios Dimou and Cleopatra Tsolas

Area 2:      Athena Kalyvas and Evangelia Stamoulis

Area 3:      Kiki Feldmar and Eleni Stamboulidis

Area 4:     Amy Kalogeropoulos and Irene Stefanakos

Area 5:     Debbie Ciejek and Sharon Konstantinides

Area 6:

Area 7:   Elaine Zetes and Diane Stamatopulos

Area 8:   Stella Kazantas and Elipiniki Mavredakis

Congratulations to the newly elected board. The balance of the Metropolis Board will be appointed by His Eminence in September.

Elaine Zetes presented bouquets of flowers to Calliope Galatis, President of the Annunciation thanking her for her hospitality and to outgoing president Frances Levas thanking her for her leadership. His Eminence spoke about the importance of the Philoptochos and thanksed all the delegates for their commitment.