Wednesday, December 31, 1969

Metropolis of Boston Philoptochos

2012 AGAPE Award Recipient

Dorothea Ocnos

St. Demetrios, Weston, Massachusetts


Dorothea has been a Philoptocos member for over 30 years inspiring members of all ages with her positive attitude, caring and helpful manner and her commitment towards fulfilling the Philoptochos Mission.

Dorothea began the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen mission at Saint Demetrios parish twenty-seven years ago, involving her Chapter monthly to prepare, cook and serve a hot meal to hungry children and families throughout the area.  Many times, this meal may be their only meal that day.  She not only involved the Chapter in this ministry, but has involved the parish and other organizations to participate on certain days.  She encourages and supervises GOYA's involvment in this ministry, teaching them by example, the importance of assisting those in need.

Dorothea is committed to the ideals of Philoptochos and is an excellent role model for other Philoptochos members and our youth.  She exemplifies Philanthropia through her many years of dedicated hard work and charitable efforts; Dorothea has always given freely of her many gifts of time, talent and treasures.

Dorothea has not only affected the lives of the members of Saint Demetrios parish, her Philoptochos Chapter, but she has also affected the lives of many families throughout the area that she and her team of Philoptochos members serve meals to on a monthly basis.