Wednesday, December 31, 1969

Metropolis of Boston Lenten Retreat

March 30 - 31

We live in a busy world full of noise, full of distractions, full of cares and worries that can keep us from the truly important things in life. Getting away from the noise and distractions doesn’t mean having to travel far. On March 30, more than 50 women of all ages and stages traveled to the St. Methodios Faith and Heritage Center in Contoocook, New Hampshire for the 2nd Annual Lenten Retreat sponsored by the Metropolis of Boston Philoptochos Society.

After arriving at the majestic 300 acres of New Hampshire woodlands, the attendees enjoyed fellowship and dinner together. It was a time to turn off cell phones, retreat from the routines of everyday obligations and enjoy times with old friends and make new friends. After dinner, Fr. Ted Barbas, Chancellor of the Metropolis of Boston led the group in the Akathist Hymn in the Chapel of St. George.  Following chapel, retreat-goers enjoyed a presentation on the Virgin Mary and St. Mary of Egypt by Dr. James Skedros, Professor at Hellenic College and Holy Cross School of Theology.

Saturday morning began in worship together at Orthros. Following breakfast, Presvytera Nikki Stephanopoulos addressed the group. Presvytera has been a real trailblazer for women and she offered insightful and colorful commentary on the subject on the role of women in the church today.

 The group left the retreat replenished, renewed and ready to embrace the final days of lent and Holy week.