Monday, October 08, 2012

Metropolis Philoptochos Board Visit to St. Athanasius, Arlington

October 4, 2012

On Thursday, October 4, 2012, the Metropolis Philoptochos Board was invited to visit the St. Athanasius St. Barabara's Chapter of Philoptochos for their Membership Kick Off Social.  Kathy VanKuilenburg, President of the St. Barbara's Chapter, presided over the event.  Fr. Nicholas Kastanas performed a Blessing of the Waters/Aghiasmos Service to start the new Eclisiatstical year off for the Chapter.  The ladies were invited to have some refreshments and then gather together for a presentation from Philippa Condakes.  Philippa Condakes, Metropolis Philoptochos President, presented an over view of this past summer's Biennial Philoptochos Convention July 1-4, 2012 in Phoenix, AZ.  At the Convention, Arlington chapter member and past president, Stella Kazantzas, presented the St. Barbara's Chapter Challenge, Springtime in Blossom for the Children's Room.  This event was to raise funds for the Children's Room and to expand to the outreach of the Chapter to the local area.

President Condakes thanked the Chapter for their continued support of the Metropolis Ministries of the Philoxenia House, St. Methodios Faith and Heritage Center, and FOS.  The Chapter was congratulated for their award of 100% National Ministry Commitments as not every chapter has attained that level of support.  St. Athanasius' Philoptochos is to be commended as they are always well informed and actively participates in Metropolis and National Events.

The Philoptochos Center For Philanthropy is becoming a reality.  The National Philoptochos had signed an agreement to purchase our new home in New York.  The introductory video Open the Doors was presented.  The Chapter Giving Tree Campaign has begun.  In conclusion, the video - Celebrating 75 Years of Philanthropy was shown to help new and returning members of the vast history of our Society and the promise of the future endeavors
