Pine Street Inn Expressed Appreciation to Metropolitan Methodios and Philoptochos Women

Thursday, July 29, 2010

MEMBERS OF THE METROPOLIS OF BOSTON PHILOPTOCHOS BOARD JOINED METROPOLITAN METHODIOS IN HIS OFFICE WHEN REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PINE STREET INN PRESENTED HIS EMINENCE A PLAQUE OF APPRECIATION:  Left to right: Margo Chryssis, Diane Stamatopulos, Georgia Lagadinos, Scottie Wait, Director of Pine Street Inn's Volunteer Program, Metropolitan Methodios, Philippa Condakes, President of the Metropolis Philoptochos Board, Barbara Orlando, Eric Prileson, Assistant Director of the Program.

For more than a decade the Philoptochos Ladies have been cooking meals in the Hellenic College-Holy Cross Cafeteria and serve the homeless at the Pine Street Inn.  Metropolitan Methodios has encouraged this long standing project of the Philoptochos Board and has served meals at the Pine Street Inn with the ladies.